The basic position
How to Play the Classical Guitar
Turn your head naturally toward the tuning keys
Turn your head naturally toward the tuning keys

Classical guitarists play while seated. Sit relatively forward in the chair and place your left foot on the footstool (this is to help keep the guitar in the proper position).
Sit with your right knee in an open stance. Place the guitar on your left leg so that your leg rests in the curve of the body. Raise the neck of the guitar so that the tuning keys are at eye level and to your left.
Relax your right hand
Relax your right hand
Rest your right elbow on the side of the guitar and relax your wrist and hand. Using too much pressure in your right hand will make playing traditional techniques such as the arpeggios and tremolos designed specifically for the guitar - more difficult.
Always keep your left thumb behind the neck
Always keep your left thumb behind the neck

The four fingers on your left hand press down on the strings from above the fingerboard, while your left thumb provides support for those fingers from behind the neck.
Hold your fingers perpendicular to the fingerboard and press the string down just beside the fret with your fingertip.
Classical guitars are generally played with fingers - not picks
Classical guitars are generally played with fingers - not picks
Classical guitars were originally meant for solo play. This means that a single person normally plays both the melody and accompaniment. Classical guitar players need to play multiple strings separately, so they normally use their thumb through ring fingers to play. A pick is generally not used. Of course, it is certainly acceptable to use a pick when playing chords or melodies only, like how one would play an acoustic guitar. There are also guitar players who play with a pick and their fingers.