Grooving In The Grove - Yamaha Improves Neighbourhood Relations

What could be better on a summer evening than dining and dancing outdoors in the beautiful countryside of central Italy? Ristorante Al Boschetto, on the fringes of the town of Fondi, understands this. However it also has close neighbours, making environmental noise protection just as important. After many problems with other systems, Yamaha provided the answer.

Before July 2017, relations with near neighbours had been a problem for Ristorante Al Boschetto (translated as The Restaurant In The Grove). The outdoor dining area and dance floor was popular with customers, but the generic sound systems used meant that there were frequent complaints from neighbouring residents about noise.

It was obvious that something had to change, so the restaurant contacted Riccardo De Simone of Remix Multimedia, based in Sperlonga, for help. What was needed was a high quality audio system with sonic impact, but tight control to keep the sound from escaping into the surrounding area as much as possible.

The solution was a Yamaha system which includes four truss-hung Installation Series IF2112/95 mid/high cabinets and three floor-mounted IS1118 subwoofers, powered by three PC9501N power amplifiers. A truss-hung DXR12, pointing at the DJ booth, provides monitoring and the whole system is controlled by an MTX3 matrix mixer and a DCP4V4S surface-mounted panel.

“For this open air space we needed passive subwoofers, so the IS1118s were selected for their excellent audio quality,” says Michele De Simone, who installed the system. “They are arranged in a line with the outside subs playing normally, but the middle one is rotated 180° and has the polarity inverted. We applied a delay using the speaker processor section of the MTX3, which cancels backwards directed energy from the outside subwoofers and increases the forward energy towards the customers.”

He continues, “The IF2112/95s are pointed downwards from the 3.5m high truss to keep the acoustic energy within the dance area as much as possible - the large, handbuilt horns have more pattern control compared to speakers by other manufacturers, which have smaller sized horns. The crossover was also set at 120Hz instead of the standard 90Hz, to radiate less omnidirectional energy and deliver more from the subwoofers with their DSP-controlled pattern.”

The new Yamaha system has transformed relations between Ristorante Al Boschetto and its neighbours, described as having previously been ‘a war’.

“The customer is very happy, because the new system is powerful but controlled and they have not had any complaints from neighbouring residents,” says Riccardo. “Finally they have a solution that they, their customers and their neighbours are all pleased with!”

Dòng loa lắp đặt

Được các nhà thầu và kỹ sư ưa chuộng, các loại loa này có đặc điểm là thiết kế Uni-Phase và âm thanh phù hợp- ngay cả giữa các model khác nhau- dễ thiết lập và tinh chỉnh hệ thống.

PC-1N Series

Bộ khuếch đại công suất có thể kết nối mạng đạt được chất lượng tái tạo vượt trội với mức tiêu thụ điện năng thấp đáng kể

Dòng MTX

Bộ xử lý ma trận của MTX Series được trang bị các chức năng xử lý linh hoạt đặt biệt cho dùng cho đa dạng ứng dụng khác nhau.


Bảng điều khiển treo tường có 1 nút Âm lượng & 4 công tắc dành cho DME7, dòng MTX/MRX và dòng MA/PA. Kết nối dễ dàng bằng RS485 mang CAT5 + nguồn. Có thể kết nối tối đa 8 DCP với 1 máy DME7 và dòng MTX/MRX. Có thể kết nối tối đa 2 DCP với 1 máy MA2120 hoặc PA2120.